Did he later become a DO? Was he kind of short in stature? Did he have a brother named 'Dan Smith'? we had a CO, with a brother also a CO, both 'born in', Dan went to 'where the need is greater', also went to bethel.
cha ching
JoinedPosts by cha ching
My Ex CO in Texas was 25 years old.
by Iamallcool inhe became co when he was 23. i was wondering is he the youngest co ever?
his name is jonathan smith.
he is from south dakota.
Need WT article on being a homecoming queen
by Bonnie_Clyde ini remember an article many years ago...i think early 60's or even in the 50's.
it may have been questions from the readers.
i ask because our granddaughter has been selected to be on the homecoming court.
cha ching
Is this what you are thinking of? I hope you let her be the homecoming queen if that is her heart's desire.... she is only young once, and only gets to 'try for it' so many times ;-)
*** w64 6/15 pp. 380-381 Youths, Keep Your Integrity While at School ***
In many schools the student body elects other students to certain offices or positions, such as president or spokesman for the class, cheerleader, homecoming queen, and so on. One might be nominated and voted into a position without his even accepting the nomination. Some high schools even allow for small-scale political campaigning, and students may wear campaign buttons and put up “vote for” posters.
Now, how do Christians view these elective offices and positions? Would they accept a position if voted in by their classmates? Would they participate in the voting, either by a show of hands or by balloting?
Well, what is the purpose of this voting in school? In most cases it is to familiarize young persons with the machinery of worldly politics. So what Bible principle applies? Why, separateness from the world and its politics. Since Jehovah’s witnesses as adults do not mix in politics, it is only reasonable that children of Jehovah’s witnesses do not mix in politics on a school level, either by accepting an elective office or participating in conferring such an office upon others. What, then, would a Christian youth do if he were nominated to an office? He could tactfully decline the nomination or, if elected without his assent, he could tactfully decline the office; so following the example of Jesus, who withdrew when the people wanted to make him king.
Though one of Jehovah’s witnesses would decline a position given him through small-scale political machinery, he considers an appointment by the teacher as something different. If a Christian youth were appointed by the teacher to help in traffic direction or some other unobjectionable duty during school hours, he would cooperate. If no violation of Bible principles would result from carrying out an appointment, then he would be helpful to the school and other students to every reasonable extent.
Of course, some positions at school involve violation of Bible principles, even if that position comes by appointment and not through political machinery. For instance, what if one were appointed cheerleader? Encouraging others in itself is not wrong, as when one is playing on a team and he shouts words of encouragement. But it is something else to lead a crowd into frenzied cheering for and exaltation of an institution of this world, to lead people in standing for the school song or to lead others into the snare of hero worship. That would violate Bible principles. A Christian who is separate from this world and who gives exclusive devotion to Jehovah God would decline a cheerleader appointment.
Some schools may vote a girl as “Homecoming Queen” or as beauty queen. Even if a Christian girl were appointed and not elected to such queenship, how could she accept it? Bible principles show that it is not proper for the creature to be given undue importance. (Rom. 1:25) Moreover, to set up womanhood upon a pedestal would violate Bible principles. (1 Tim. 2:12, 13) Christians do not engage in the glorification of humans, and they would not want anyone to give them such idolatrous treatment. Also, those who serve as “kings” or “queens” are expected to take the lead in political, patriotic and worldly religious activities, which true Christians cannot do.
Of course, it is well for you young Christians to keep in mind that not all voting is political. Sometimes students are called on by the teacher to express opinions. There would be no violation of Bible principle in expression of one’s preference of certain activities or the appraisal of a talk or composition. It is not electing one politically to an office when one expresses an opinion by a show of hands as to the quality of something.
*** sj pp. 23-24 Extracurricular Activities *** (the School & JW booklet?)
Cheerleader and Homecoming Queen: At athletic events it is the responsibility of cheerleaders to orchestrate the crowd in frenzied cheering for a school. They also encourage the people into hero worship and lead them in standing for the school song. Jehovah’s Witnesses consider it inappropriate to do this. Similarly, we feel that for a Witness youth to serve as a homecoming or beauty queen would be in violation of Bible principles that show the impropriety of glorifying humans.—Romans 1:25; Acts 12:21-23.
"Jehovah's Witnesses look in other direction" (Oct 12th 2017)
by Nicholaus Kopernicus inappaling report pertaing to the $4000 daily penalty against the watchtower.
they're squirming.... .
cha ching
Exactly how I feel stuckinarut2
If a witness facing a judicial committee was to ever act like this, they would be deemed to be "arrogant and haughty".
The WT is sooooo arrogant! They are like the bad parent that catches one child hitting on the other and says, "don't you be beatin' on your brother! I taught you better than that!"... then proceeds to beat the other child.
Were your English WT publications in the American "dialect"?
by compound complex ingreetings, friends:.
the opening query is presented, loosely, in the past tense, assuming that you are not currently a reader of watchtower publications.. not that i'm already rather certain of your reply, it's just that i would like to know if in your english-speaking country (or esl [english as second language]) the society deigned to tailor the publications to your spellings, expressions, idiomatic renderings, etc.
as you will read below, so-called american english is a dialect of english.. i found this online under american english vs. british english:.
cha ching
That is too funny, Punkofnice, "are souls" vs. "arse holes"...
Actually, the whole subject is interesting, as I never knew or thought of the differences in spelling, or even terminology being different in England, Australia, etc.
I am from the US, and can get a hint that someone is from England here by the spelling of "baptise" vs. "baptize". when reading these comments... I spell fairly well, and I thought perhaps it was because of how many WT mags I had to read, etc... but it would be absolutely confusing for anyone of another culture to have to read "American" version of spelling vs. "British"... it would be rather isolating, wouldn't it? I think it would make one feel as is they were in another world... as if left behind. Hugs to you all.
In the last 20 years How Many Changes Have Occurred in Watchtower Beliefs?
by minimus injehovah's witnesses say that they have the truth and the truth is constant.
they believe that what they teach is the truth that comes directly from jehovah god.
can you think of anything that has changed in the last 20 years to show a jehovah's witness that the truth is not necessarily the truth..
cha ching
Thank you MacHislopp, and DarkSpilver for all of this brain boggling sifting thru "The Society's" literature to show them for what they are, and how they subtly and not so subtly and outrightly change anything they want.
I want to save this for later, in case my sister starts waking up. She is so devoted to the GB.
My Mothers Ultimate Rejection
by What Now? ini went into my mother's office to leave her a small note to say that we love and miss her and would love to get together.
i found this on her desk.
this is jehovah's witnesses.
cha ching
I like that What Now?!
JWs like to say mean things and do mean things to others whilest thinking they are righteous, they seldom like to face the reality of their actions.
Well put!
Instead of all This Subjection Nonsense..
by snugglebunny inwhy doesn't the watchtower simply apply the hot / crazy matrix and leave us fellas to get on with it?.
cha ching
That is so hilarious Snugglebunny! Thx for sharing! My husband & I had a good laugh ; - )
If WT had more vids like this one, there would definitely be more at the meetings, haha!
Do you know anything about Live Kingdom Hall?
by Hecce ini learned recently about this link that allows for a person to listen or watch the meetings at the kh that have contracted the service.
you have the option to watch the meeting live or just listen.
there will be a recording of the audio available until the next meeting.. i don't think that this is an official wt arrangement, it might be a private enterprise like the preaching materials .
cha ching
Maybe THAT is why, when I see secret recordings made at K Halls, I see 30 - 40 people max!?!?
Former Elder insights on recent Child Abuse Cases & changes in the Org
by cha ching inthis former elder, was briefly featured on pbs segment about child abuse among jehovah's witnesses.
in this youtube interview, he is asked about some of his experiences in the org from 1971 to the present.. at about 16:10 he starts telling his story about his involvement with trey bundy, and how he got to know jonathan kendrick, from the candace conti case.. for some reason, this video is starting 15 minutes in, and i can't get the link to start at zero.... you can always rewind ;-).
cha ching
jwundubbed.... You are very welcome!
Watchtower Ironically Warns It's Memeber About "Propaganda" - Watchtower July 2017
by pale.emperor inhttps://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/watchtower-study-july-2017/propaganda-winning-battle-for-your-mind/.
in what is just the height of irony, watchtower warns us about propaganda, and accepting everything we hear/read.
yes, we should ignore those that try to stop us thinking critically as this watchtower article will now teach us.
cha ching
This type of reasoning reminds me of something Hitler might say to his troops "Don't believe what you hear on the news, we are winning!"
I like what one YouTuber, EX JW the Fifth has posted at the end of his videos:
"They told me to keep my thinking in line, trying to control every thought in my mind, they had control of my time...... but I escaped and I am happy to say it, my freedom came at a price, and I was happy to pay it" Fifth